
How cute is a 3 year old riding bridle-less and bareback?

How cute is a 3 year old riding bridle-less and bareback?

OK, this is about as adorable as pony pals get.

I don’t know these folks personally, but I thought this was too cute not to share. Take a look at Cecilia (3), riding her white pony Karin (9) bridle-less and bareback.

Apparently, the video was taken by her older sister, who added Taylor Swift’s “White Horse” as a video soundtrack. (Be sure to scroll down the left-hand sidebar, and click off this blog’s background music player, so you can hear the song.)


Loved this cute pony video.

Already, at age three, Cecelia has a light seat and a gentle way with her beloved pony. Clearly, the two have a special bond of trust and affection. That counts for a lot!

Because ponies may live to age 30 or more, the pair are likely to enjoy a long equestrian journey together. Perhaps they will become the darlings of the horse show ring or the Pony Club circuit.

Still, as a perpetual parent, I cannot help but harbor a few hesitations.

This is obviously a well-trained little pony, but ponies can still act up. Is it really safe to teach a three-year-old child to brandish a riding crop and make a pony rear in front of her?

I love that little Cecelia is wearing a safety helmet, but could someone please tighten the chin strap? The helmet won’t do her any good, if it slips back on her head like that.

What sort of footing is under this little rider, as she races her little pony around in the open?

OK, color me killjoy. I don’t mind. I’m all for horseback riding fun. But a few safety precautions can help to keep kids riding happily for many, many years.

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