
Fly bonnets are funny … and maybe frightful.

My filly has a new fly bonnet. It’s one of those funny little crochet numbers. Some horsey folks call them fancy ear nets.

You know, these are those tie-on horse hats that make equines look a bit like Batman.

Actually, she hasn’t even worn it yet. With spring’s sluggish arrival this year, we haven’t found the chance.

Fly season forecasts differ. Who knows? She may not need the thing. But it could be a good bombproofing exercise, if nothing else.

Can’t wait to see how she reacts to the fringy thing.

She’s not exactly head shy. 

But she sure shook her head around during her first-ever horse show last year. I took her in a couple of halter classes, and she grew fascinated by the sound and sensation of all those little braids, lined up along her neck.

It wasn’t like she hadn’t worn braids before. But she sure had fun with them.

Not sure the horse show judge agreed.

Anyway, I’m gonna try the fringy fly bonnet on her – to see if it flies.

Film at 11.

The Mane Point: A Haven for Horse Lovers is participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge again this year. Stop on back, so you don’t miss a single post!
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